Lash Extensions Gone Wrong


Lash extensions going wrong is the worst thing that could ever happen to a lash tech and a client. Errors and mistakes in lashing could result in complete loss of eyesight, swollen eyes, irritation, loss of natural lashes, redness of eyes, and many other effects. Extensions can go wrong due to negligence, ignorance, wrong products, wrong temperatures, wrong techniques, and many other reasons. In this article, we will tackle in detail how lash extensions can go wrong and ways one could avoid the above situations.


1. Negligence

Negligent lash technicians are very careless. They often leave the products open after use and in between usage time. Some lash techs mishandle lashing accessories and rarely sterilize their equipment. Equipment sterilization is very important as it would help avoid contamination. Some lash techs place the lashes on the client’s skin or close to the skin which can cause great damage to the eyes. 


Take good care of the accessories and the equipment being used. Make sure you sterilize your equipment before and after use to avoid contamination. Use disposable products to avoid the risks of spreading some diseases among clients. Always make sure you place the lashes 0.5-1mm away from the waterline.

2. Ignorance

Most lash technicians are ignorant when it comes to mistakes. They do not try to avoid or rectify them. Most of them do not know the ingredient used in manufacturing the products they use.

Most lash techs often ignore the expiry dates of products like removers and other solutions. They also use adhesives that contain formaldehyde, a dangerous substance to health.


Lash artists have to be aware of the ingredient used in the adhesives and other solutions they use. As a beautician, consult your clients before lash application to ensure they are not allergic to any of the products you use. Use products that are in line with the health and safety regulations. Do not use adhesives that contain formaldehyde as it is a dangerous substance to health. Most importantly, take note of the expiry date of the products you use.

Here are 🔗safe glues from Arison Lashes. Use these to guarantee safe and brilliant effect. 

3. Technique used

Lashes can go wrong due to poor isolation since it's the key to a perfect lash effect. If isolation is done incorrectly, lashes may become sticky, clump, messy and difficult to brush through. This can result in severe loss of the client's natural lashes. Lashing content is available everywhere. One can always learn lashing from YouTube and other online lashing classes. However, not all information is applicable. Some technics might work for someone and never work for you.


As much as YouTube and online lashing classes can be helpful, I would commend face-to-face classes to ensure that you tackle all the important lashing aspects. Do not open a lash bar or start lashing before getting a lashing license and being insured. Lash artists must know the correct thickness and length of lashes used on clients so that the lashes won't be too heavy and fall with the natural lashes.

Lash Client

A lash client must be as vigilant as the lash artist. Some accidents during lashing appointments happen because of the client’s fault. Of course, it's not supposed to be a blame game, but imagine a client opening her eyes during lashing. She may be injured with the tweezers, inflamed by the glue adhesives and the result is something we do not want to know. Most clients will be late for their lashing appointment and often give pressure on the artists to be quick. This results in a lot of mistakes and accidents. Lash girls have to adhere to the rules of the lash house.


As a client, you need to ask your lash tech the ingredients used to make the adhesives or the solutions she uses. If she can't answer, cancel the appointment and look for another lash technician. Clients have to clean, dry, and avoid oils on their lashes. Clients need to check if the lash tech is certified and has an insurance policy.

This article was brought to you by Arison lashes a professional lash and lash products manufacturer and expert with brunches around the whole world. Feel free to contact us for any professional advice and assistance.

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