How to Make Lash Spikes For A Wispy Look | Tutorial + Products

Spike usually looks the best when adding to a full volume set. Lash spikes add flare instantly and provide a bold and wispy look to lashes.
wispy lash extensions
In addition to using pre-made spikes, you can also easily create spiky sets using easy fanning lashes.

① Put some sealant on the lashes, so that the lashes are all clumped up together.

② Peel off some lashes off the strip and not fanning them out. Pull off any that aren't aligned, because you still want the bases to be all aligned.

③ Dip the spike in a little bit of glue and place it on the client's eyes.

What thickness to use?

✘ It's not recommended to do spikes with 0.10, 0.15 or 0.18 classic lashes. Because technically, spikes are still volumes, you are just not fanning it out. So you can not use the weight of classic for this technique, it will be too heavy for the clients' eyes.

✔ Use lashes that you use for volume fans, like 0.5, or 03 to make perfect spiky sets. It's easier to use easy fan lashes, because they are glued together at the base. 

Recommended Products:

1. Lash extensions:
Arison Lashes' 0.05 mm 🔗 Easy Fanning Lashes is used in this tutorial to make perfect and light-weight spikes ⤵️
If you are a professional and qualified lash artist, it's recommended to use 🔗0.5-s fast-drying lash extension glue or 🔗 1-s standard-drying glue for doing wispy looks, which can improve the speed and create excellent bonding. ⤵️
Arison Lashes 0.5-s fast-drying glue Arison Lashes 1-second standard-drying glue
If your client has sensitive eyes and skin, it's better to use 🔗 hypoallergenic glue for safety and comfortable treatment. This glue is 3-5 seconds slow-drying glue, which is ideal for beginner lash technicians too. ⤵️
Arison Lashes 3-5 seconds slow-drying hypoallergenic lash extension glue
If you use brown or colored lash extensions to create wispy look, then 🔗 transparent glue is right for this purpose. ⤵️
Transparent lash extension glue


  • Arison Lashes

    @NILOFAR Hi dear. You can use primer as sealant. Primer can be used to pre-treat lash extensions to create spikes or wet mascara look. 😊

  • Nilofar

    Hi, which glue is used as the sealant here? The transparent one? 🤔

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